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Contributed Articles

The trade press rely heavily on content contributed by experts from the industry they serve. In return for contributing your expertise on a topic of interest to their readership, you benefit from the credibility conferred by the publication's reputation and wide distribution to a targeted readership.

Editors are fiercely protective of their credibility and writing for them requires a clear understanding of their content and stylistic requirements. The experts within your organization are likely scientists and engineers who are much more valuable doing science and engineering than writing. We understand both sides. We know what the editors want. We have the ability and take the time to understand your technology. We can turn a 30 minute phone interview and a slide deck into an published article that meets both the editor's needs and your objectives.

Contributed Article STEM Workflows Therm

New Workflows Broaden Access to S/TEM Analysis and Increase Productivity

Abstract: The DualBeam, which combines focused ion beam and scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM), is regularly used for sample preparation in transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A DualBeam enables the user to thin specific regions of a bulk material to electron transparency. While this process is often performed manually, we describe an interactive guided TEM sample preparation process. By this method, the preparation process time is shortened for expert users, compared to manual processes, and enables novice users to obtain high-quality results routinely. The method can be used on almost any material to prepare thin lamellas for most common TEM applications.

Contributed Article Visualizing GPCR Act

Visualizing GPCR Activation Using Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Researchers have recently used cryoelectron microscopy (cryoEM) to determine the three-dimensional (3D) atomic structure of two class B Gprotein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and revealed the structural basis of their activation and function.

Contributed Article Panel Based Lithogra

A square peg in a round hole:
The economics of panel-based
lithography for advanced packaging

Moving from round wafers to rectangular panels saves corner space,delivering a roughly 10% improvement in surface utilization.

Contributed Article Multiscale Correlati

Multiscale correlative tomography provides critical materials characterization of biomedical implants

Correlative multiscale tomography (CMT) is a new workflow that combines advanced imaging and analytical techniques to provide critical feedback to engineers designing new products, materials, and manufacturing processes.

Contributed Article Ensuring Safety with

Ensuring safety and uptime by managing condensable gases

The need to safely exhaust CVD reaction by-products is increasing as complex device structures gain prominence in microelectronic manufacturing. Edwards Vacuum has applied novel solutions to increase safety, reduce downtime and control costs.

Contributed Article Enhanced Vacuum Secu

Enhanced vacuum security using advanced sub-fab monitoring and data analytics

Sub-fab Fault Detection and Cassification (FDC) software platforms collect, integrate and analyze operational data.

Contributed Article Direct Electron Dete

New imaging technologies foster revolution in structural biology for three-dimensional cryo-TEM

Proteins are the workhorse molocules of living systems. Determining the relationship between their structure and their function is the central challenge of structural biology.

Contributed Article Clearfind Rudolph So

Reveal previously invisible defects and contaminants in advanced packaging applications

New illumination technology compares favorably to conventional bright field illumination

Contributed Article 3D Imaging Biologica

New Approach to 3-D Imaging of Biological Materials Provides Isotropic Resolution Down to a Few Nanometers

Visualizing the three-dimensional (3-D) architecture of cells and tissues is essential for understanding the relationships between structure and function in biological systems.

Contributed Articles: Projects


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